Last year, OPI launched a campaign called "Will You Mani Up?," which aimed to break through social norms and gender stereotypes. For the longest time, the nail industry has primarily targeted women. However, men have recently started their own trend, "male polish".
Until recently, makeup and nail polish were basically taboos connected to men. However, with influencers like Manny Gutierrez and James Charles getting makeup endorsement deals, beauty brands are becoming more inclusive. So what does this mean for the nail industry? Men wearing nail's not something you see very often, unless he's a rockstar or high profile musician.
Although we have a long way to go in terms of "normalizing" men and nail polish, brands like OPI are taking steps in the right direction. We decided to try this with some of the guys on the Beyond Polish team and get their thoughts and reactions. This is what they had to say.
Kevin (Web Developer)
Kevin is wearing ORLY "Into The Deep" From The Dreamscape Collection.
Q: Was this your first time having your nails painted?
Kevin: Yes.
Q: What was the experience like for you?
Kevin: It was a new experience. I didn't know what to expect or how to act. I had a lot of fun. I really enjoyed getting pampered and having my nails taken care of. I understand why girls love it so much.
Q: What do you think about men who get their nails painted?
Kevin: More power to them. If it doesn't hurt anyone and it makes you feel good, then you should do it. It's all about having fun.
Q: What (if anything) did you take away from this experience?
Kevin: When my nail tech finished my nails, initially, I was scared of what other people thought of me. Then I realized I was giving too much credence to other people's opinions. I was letting people determine how I felt. Thus, my journey to self-confidence began.
Steve (Fulfillment Lead)
Steve is wearing ORLY "Air Of Mystique" from the Dreamscape Collection.
Q: Was this the first time having your nails painted?
Steve: Yes, it was my first time. I was honestly a little anxious at first because no one's ever really handled my hands like that in general, much less painted them so it was quite a novel experience. Once I actually sat down and started getting my manicure, I felt much more comfortable, especially with the laughs we were having and the kind words from everyone.
Q: Describe your experience being in public with painted nails. How did you feel? Did people treat you any differently?
Steve: No one has actually said anything to me yet so I can't say anyone has treated me differently. Most of the people I've shown (coworkers, friends, family) have been generally surprised but have kind of liked it. I assume it's mostly the color through. Lots of people staring at me for sure. I get double takes even when I'm driving on the road.
Q: Speaking of being in public, you recently went on a trip to Cabo and decided to leave your nails painted. Why did you decide to do that and describe your experience. Did people there treat you any differently? How did you feel?
Steve: Being in a large group helped, to be completely honest. I don't know if I would have left my nails painted if I was going to Cabo alone. Having supportive family and friends is a huge factor in choosing to keep it. I was surprised by the lack of reaction I got. I was sort of expecting to get called a name or two, or get some kind of reaction from at least one person, but it was mostly just people staring.
Q: What are your thoughts about men wearing nail polish?
Steve: Hey man, if it looks good on you, go for it! I think it's really great that guys can start to explore some things that are traditionally feminine. My dad straight up said, "Man, if you did that a couple of years ago, you would get called all sorts of names." So it makes me happy that people are opening their minds.
Q: Why did you take part in this experience?
Steve: I'm always into trying new things that might expand my sense of style of fashion. Kind of to make a statement as well. I personally detest the idea of traditional "toxic" masculinity so it's always good to break the norms a little.
Q: Why did you take part in this experience?
Steve: I did it at first to kind of mess around. I thought it was a funny idea, but once the paint was actually on, I was like, "Hey, this doesn't look half bad!" And luckily my girlfriend is super supportive of me not being a traditional dude and kind of playing around with stuff like this so I actually got surprisingly positive responses from both her and my parents (my parents' reaction was a BIG surprise).
So what is the takeaway from all of this? Wearing nail polish does not have a gender attached to it. Ryan Morgan, co-founder of the hair dye brand Arctic Fox told Allure, "It is what it is. You're definitely no less masculine or feminine with nail polish and makeup on. That comes from within and who you are and how you are in the world more than what you put on."
Southern gentleman at 59, whose been having pedicures for the last 10 or so years with splashes of color. About mid year in 2024 I started polishing my hands too. It’s something to to do with my wife and daughter and we often complement each others color choices. Have been experimenting with the Chrome look lately.
I love this Mani Up campaign. This video is very encouraging, that Guys can wear Nail Polish too. I myself wearing Nail Polish even. I am a Straight Guy who loves wearing Nail Polish. I love the different Colors and Shades of Nail Polish. I love the feel of the Brush.
just saw this article on a web search as have wanted to wear nail polish for some but never gotten the nerve up to do it. this gave me the confidence to try it out! I’ll check out this website for more tips and to buy polish and tools as this is so new, so clueless about where to start.
I am an over 65 straight male and have been painting my toes for just a few short weeks. Actually, my manicurist has been painting them. It started when my wife suggested several months ago that I get a pedicure. I had several pedis about 5 weeks apart. All without any polish. Then one time my she suggested we paint a pinky purple. I said ok. The next time we did a blue pinky, then 2 blue pinkies and then I actually bought some nail polish and we did both pinkies and both big toes in blue. When I got home I painted all six middle toes myself. I thought it looked cool. Now i am getting them painted at the salon and wearing the blue color all the time. I do not wear it in public so only my wife, my manicurist and I see them. My wife was apprehensive at first but she is ok with it now. I still think it looks cool. It is not a big deal.
61 yrs old , Ive painted my toes with my wifes blessing for on & off the last 15 yrs & her idea to begin with , I get mostly compliments from gals , some frowns but who cares, & have had my toes painted 24/7 last 4+ yrs . I go with my wife monthly & get them professionally done my manicurist loves doing it & thinks its cool. I buy my polish from BB Couture made for guys ….